miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

The Seasons

     It`s spring.The sky is blue and the trees are green.Our garden is full of flowers.Outside it`s warm and the wind blows slowly.The sun is on the sky.
    It`s summer.It`s hot.The children are swimming in the lake.There are no clouds on the sky.The days are long and sunny.The nights are warm and starry.It`s holiday and children are happy.
    It`s autumn.The school begins.It`s raining.It`s chilly weather.The wind blows all day and the sky is grey.But there are lots of fruit and vegetables.
   It`s winter.It`s cold and everything is white.It`s snowing a lot.The children are skiing,sleighing and skating.They are playing with the snow.They are making snowmen and are playing with snowballs.Children love winter.

   Este primavara.Cerul este albastru si pomii sunt verzi.Gradina noastra este plina cu flori.Afara este cald si vantul bate incet.Soarele este pe cer.
   Este vara.Este fierbinte.Copiii inoata in lac.Acolo nu sunt nori pe cer.Zilele sunt lungi si insorite.Noptile sunt calde si instelate.Este vacanta si copii sunt fericiti.
   Este toamna.Scoala incepe.Este ploios.Este o vreme friguroasa.Vantul bate toata ziua si cerul este gri.Dar acolo sunt multe fructe si legume.
  Este iarna.E rece si totul este alb.A nins mult.Copiii schiaza,se dau cu sania si patineaza.Ei se joaca cu zapada.Ei fac oameni de zapada si se joaca cu bulgari de zapada.Copiii iubesc iarna.
                                                                               BY STEFANIA-DOBRE

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